West Lebanon Township has 3 State DEP Certified Operators working 24/7 to supply the township with quality, safe, reliable drinking water. The operators are responsible for all Federal & State regulations on drinking water systems. West Lebanon Township in 2009 replaced all of the distribution system, tank and the laterals going to water costumers properties.
Water withdrawal, water usage, leak detection, flushing of fire hydrants, exercising water values, backflow prevention, water meters readings are just a few of the daily assignments the operators are doing to keep the township water supply safe.
Daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly test are taken by Certified State Operators and the townships third party labs. Every three years, several residents houses are tested for Lead & Copper to ensure we are complying to EPA’s and DEP’s safe water drinking regulations.
West Lebanon Township started in 2019 installing new smart meters with radio reads and completed in February of 2023, the new technology helps find high consumers high reading ,date ,time of all water withdrawals.
The Water department also has a mandated by Federal & State regulators Backflow Protection Program were all connected costumers must have at lest a Double Check Value or a Reduce Pressure Value installed to protect the water system for cross connections.
All questions on water billing should be addressed to Township Clerk at 717-274-1598.
Water Activities and Conservation Tips: